« Théâtre en Français à Berlin » - Website redesign
From January to June 2023
Currently led as an internship under the CAWEB master's requirements, the redesign of the website of the "French Theatre of Berlin" ("Théâtre en Français à Berlin", in french) perfectly simulates an experience within a web agency.
Within a team of 5 people, comprised of multiple profiles specialized in key sectors, I hold the position of lead developer, in charge of the website's development and its integration in WordPress. Given the small size of our team, I have also participated in the project through sectors other than development, such as UX/UI and SEO.
Along with my team, it was our responsability to find and contact a company in need if our services - here, the FTB - understand its needs and expectations, write the specification document, create a new graphic identity, reshape the website's structure, design the models, modify them according to the client's input and develop the website.
Tools/Technologies : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, Figma, Trello, Photoshop
« Project Ricma » - Website creation
Since February 2023
Ricma is a project that I hold dear. It gets its name from my FTP login in the University's server, "ricma", that I created in early September, before knowing how to even open an HTML tag.
First imagined as a simple "portfolio website" powered by a CMS, the Ricma project has rapidly evolved. I decided to develop it from scratch, and thus to write every single line of code, in order to challenge myself and get more comfortable with web development languages. As such, I have coded everything in this website, from the header to the footer, including titles and even these paragraph tags you're reading. I'm also planning on turning Ricma into my personal "hub", which will be home to, not only my portfolio, but also my personal web-based projects and other tests I'll lead, in their respective subdomains.
The notion of "project" is particularly important when we mention Ricma. It's a project that I lead alone and, other than web development, I also had the chance to sharpen my skills in graphic design, UI/UX and SEO, through the creation of a visual identity and a logo, the disposition of elements and CTAs and the optimization of the pages' loading times and the website's positionning in search engines.
Tools/Technologies : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Photoshop